10 AM US Eastern Time

Call-in Information

Please see calendar invite for the Zoom link.


David Wilcox

Ann Beynon

Terrie R. Wheeler

Julia Trimmer

Michele Mennielli

Bruce Herbert




  1. Announcements
  2. Review membership changes since last meeting
  3. Review new VIVO registered sites since last meeting
    1. Welcome package for new registered users
  4. Establishing regional users groups
    1. This contact sheet can be used to gather an initial list of people to reach out to
    2. Goal of organizing online meetings starting in January
    3. Check-in on North American and European meetings
  5. Marketing video
    1. Check-in on progress - anything for this group to do?
  6. Recommended changes to VIVO Leadership elections
    1. What changes would this group recommend?



  1. EuroCRIS series of webinars
    1. EuroCRIS started as an organization to maintain a standard for research data models (CERIF)
    2. Most CRIS/RIM systems did not implement this data model but are compliant with it
    3. Also developed CERIF XML export format
    4. VIVO community interested in mapping between VIVO and CERIF data models
    5. In Europe, many organizations use VIVO as a CRIS or component of a CRIS (TIB, Cineca)
    6. Is VIVO involved in this event?
      1. Peru is building a national CRIS, which they want to be compliant with CERIF (using DSpaceCRIS + Pure)
        1. Thinking of adding VIVO on top of this system to make the central portal as visible as possible
        2. 200+ orgs in Peru run DSpace. They use DSpaceCRIS to collect information from these repositories
    7. EuroCRIS is a good contact point for VIVO in Europe

VIVO Implementers

  1. Bruce met with Florida State, Sam Houston State
    1. Sam Houston overwhelmed by current cost of implementation (in terms of resources)

User Groups

  1. Mic met with Anna to plan an online event for the Spanish speaking VIVO community
    1. Not enough Spanish-speaking VIVO users in Europe but lots around the world (e.g. Central/South America)
      1. Spain, Chile, Costa Rica
    2. Create a Spanish-speaking VIVO community
    3. User group + quick VIVO workshop
  2. North American user group meeting
    1. Julia has recruited volunteers to help organize this meeting
    2. Targeting February

VIVO Conference

  1. Virtual or in-person?
    1. Most likely virtual
    2. Need to make sure we don't overlap with other similar online events (Open Repositories, EuroCRIS)
  2. Who can organize?
    1. Mike led this effort this year
  3. ACTION: Bring this up at the next Leadership meeting

Marketing Video

  1. Marketing group currently writing use cases to use as content


  1. Lots of organizations interested in implementing something like the Texas A&M VIVO
  2. Unfortunately, lots of concern about the total cost of implementing such a system
  3. Can we create a simplified version of a RIM system that would be easier to implement?
  4. ReCiter was a missing piece that now makes this possible
  5. Need to understand the cost of this project - understand if we should pursue vs. something else
  6. VIVO at A&M always seen as a socio-technical solution
    1. Not just software but support to get started
    2. Early successes are very important for initial buy-in
  7. Does the VIVO community have the capacity to:
    1. Offer a training session on getting up and running with VIVO-in-a-box (installation, ingest, etc.)
      1. VIVO Camps fulfill this need but these were in-person
      2. These could be modular - a couple hours at a time
      3. Tailored to different skill levels
    2. Identify a current VIVO user who can act as a parter during implementation
  8. Is there any interest in a simplified VIVO outside the US?
    1. Easier installation is of course a benefit
    2. For some orgs the flexibility is more important than the complexity
    3. Need to present this idea to the community and determine whether or not it meets use cases
    4. Maybe create a small task force to explore, analyze, assess
      1. Should be made up of members and users from around the world

Action Items

  • All: Next meeting review election practices and make recommendations for changes for next year
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