In version 1.2, the web interface does not allow the creation of membership relationships for committees. That is, while one is logged in to do edits, one can click on the plus sign on "Member Of", but there is no choice for committees. Inversely, if you are on a committee page, there is no plus sign to add members to the committee. This will be fixed in future versions of VIVO. For now, the following workaround can be used to create committee memberships.

Note: To execute the following procedure, you must be signed in as an administrator

  1. Go to the committee page and click on Edit this Individual
  2. Add the Association type to the committee. Associations are supported by the interface for membership creation.
  3. Add each member of the committee using the normal method – click on the plus sign for member of, select association type, select the committee (which is now listed in the list of associations), add a membership type (typically "Member" or "Chair"), add the date range for the membership.
  4. When you are finished adding members, return to the committee page and click on edit this individual
  5. Remove the association type from the committee

Voila! You told VIVO the committee was also an association. Then added members to the association, then told VIVO the committee was no longer an association. All the memberships are intact.

You can also use this procedure at any time to add more members to the committee.