In order to get the VIVO Harvester project working in Eclipse, we need a base installation of Eclipse, an SVN plugin and the Maven2 plugin.

Create the Project

  1. File -> New -> Project...
  2. Under SVN, Checkout Projects from SVN
  3. Create (or use if existing) the harvester repository (see SVN View for your connection options)
  4. Check out the Harvester/trunk (see Trunk, Branches and Tags for information about our SVN structure.
  5. When you get to a screen that asks "Choose how to check out folder trunk", choose "Check out as a project in the workspace" and it will have the default name of Harvester.
  6. Select Finish (everything is already configured in the .project and .classpath files from the SVN)

Download Dependencies

Maven Should start downloading dependencies immediately, but to view its progress:

  1. Open the Console view
  2. Select the Open Console button in the upper right corner
  3. Select Maven Console from the dropdown list

Getting JavaDoc/Source Browsing

Most of the dependencies of the Harvester are handled by Maven2, but by default it will only fetch the binary jar files. To get source code versions as well for source browsing we need to do the following:

  1. Right Click on the Project Root in the Package Explorer view
  2. Select Maven > Download Sources

Not all of the packages we use as dependencies have their sources in maven, so for those we can at least grab their javadoc by doing the following:

  1. Right Click on the Project Root in the Package Explorer view
  2. Select Maven > Download JavaDoc