*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

back up to User Stories: Defining features and functionality VIVO needs - September 2011

When upgrading VIVO or performing other system maintenance, it is often necessary to save out a database, run it through a migration process, and then restore a modified database to production. By being able to shut off editing the migration or updates can be applied offline while only taking down the VIVO site for the actual time to swap databases.

This is done in practice for Cornell VIVO in Ithaca, and likely at other sites – but by a clumsy, manual process.

Ideally this would be a switch that could be flipped in one place by a site administrator or root user, and turned back on without having to redeploy or restart.


An issue (NIHVIVO 3567) has been created for VIVO 1.5 in the "Site management and operational improvements" component, and will have to be prioritized.

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