
So, you want to work with DSpace, great! Here are some resources to help the first few days as a new DSpace developer go a lot more smoothly.

But I'm not a developer!

That's fine, even if you don't consider yourself a developer, if you want to work with DSpace in any capacity, we're here to help. These resources are for you. Welcome aboard, let's do some cool stuff!

Getting Started

Getting oriented: The Tools We Use

Here's a current list of the tools/sites we use, and how they are used.

I'm ready to develop, where do I start?

We track our focused development work in GitHub project boards, and we try to tag the tickets that are "good first issue":

If you want to dig deeper than the focused work we're doing on an upcoming release, here are two links to every issue that is marked "good first issue", including tickets in our backlog:

We also have some guidelines for how to contribute new code:

I want to help, but I'm not really into writing code

That's cool, we need help reviewing code, and testing pull requests. We have a great step-by-step guide on how to test DSpace 7 pull requests. Even if you're a bit hesitant about actually running DSpace on your own computer, trust us, you can do it. We believe in you!

I just need to customize the look of our site, I don't know where to start

We wrote a page just for you: User Interface Customization

I see that tests are required for new contributions, but I'm not sure where to start or how to run the existing tests

We have a wiki page for that, too: Code Testing Guide

You're not alone!

DSpace has a vibrant, and helpful community of developers and technologists. You have just joined that community. We're glad you're here!

The best options for seeking help as a developer are:

Asking a question on the mailing list, on Slack, or StackOverflow, are all great ways to get help. The DSpace community is global, no matter the time of day you're reaching out, you are likely to get a response a lot faster than you expect.

All DSpace support channels, mailing lists and meetings follow the LYRASIS Code of Conduct. We ask you to remain respectful in all discussions. We also encourage you to report any violations of the code of conduct to LYRASIS (see the Code of Conduct for more details).

Be the change you want to see

After you join the mailing lists, Slack, and StackOverflow, if you see a question that you know the answer to, please jump in and help. That's how this whole thing works.