topics requiring in-depth discussion and analysis from all interested parties


What is a Special Topic?

"Special Topics" definition: Special topics are those which often address in-depth issues, large scale redesigns or large scoped projects within DSpace software or the community as a whole. Although these larger scale topics come up during discussions from time to time, often they are set aside as they require more in-depth analysis or discussion before a decision can be made.

"Special Topics" versus "Proposals"

Special Topics Meetings

Special Topic Meetings: Just after the DSpace Committer's meeting on 2009-Nov-04 (discussion archives) a proposal was made to occasionally designate Committer's meetings as "Special Topic Meetings", in order to begin to tackle these in-depth topics. It was proposed that Special Topic Meetings be held on the following schedule:

Special Topics To Be Discussed

Below are a list of "Special Topics" (requiring more detailed discussion) which have come up in various Developer Meetings, conference discussions, etc. This list will and should change. Feel free to add to it, add comments, etc. If comments or discussion becomes more detailed, please create a new wiki page devoted to that topic's discussion.