
  • We recommend updating to VIVO version 1.5.1, released on October 15th – no data migration is involved in going from 1.5 to 1.5.1, and if you are moving from 1.4.1 the necessary migration will be applied even if you update directly to 1.5.1.
    • vivoweb.org has been updated with the 1.5 imported ontology files (public version) so that the imports can be resolved when loading the VIVO ontology into Protégé and the ontology classes and properties can be found via linked requests.
    • BioPortal version(http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/1699) still needs update and review

Updates, issues, questions from implementation sites


As the VIVO DuraSpace incubator project ramps up, a new Jira space has been set up at http://jira.duraspace.org/, with the first issue to migrate VIVO 1.6 ontology issues from the current Jira space to the new one.

Please make yourself an account on the DuraSpace Confluence wiki site – accounts are shared between Confluence and Jira – so that you will be able to add, comment on, and vote on issues, either ahead of or following future meetings.

Issues to discuss

  • VIVOONT-447 An ontology extension (subclass of URLLink) to support the clear identification of links to the full text of documents.
  • VIVOONT-459 Additional Academic Degrees needed for Duke VIVO – note Stella's extensive comment from October 16.
  • NIHVIVO-4001 Display labels for classes and properties have odd capitalization
  • VIVOONT-451 adding ReferenceWork or EncyclopediaEntry – can we use the FaBIO ontology's ReferenceWork?
  • VIVOONT-453 make Hospital a subclass of Clinical Organization and https://issues.library.cornell.edu/browse/VIVOONT-457 VIVOONT-457] consider adding Veterinary Hospital as a subclass of Hospital
  • VIVOONT-452 adding more specific types of grants – can we get any guidance from CASRAI, other ontologies, research.gov, grants.gov, or NIH RePORTER? A few resources are listed on the issue.
  • VIVOONT-458 From Memorial University of Newfoundland. Representing university and community partnerships, and research opportunities.
  • VIVOONT-461 Move historical appointments out of Overview property group
  • VIVOONT-433 How should we represent that a journal is Open Access in the ontology?
  • VIVOONT-444 How should we model co-author affiliation when we only know it for one slice of time?
  • VIVOONT-436 How does one represent academic/faculty tracks? – potentially as additional types of positions – see diagram attached to issue

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