
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star)
  2. William Welling 
  3. Brian Lowe  
  4. Georgy Litvinov   


  1. Moving of VIVO-release-publisher project
    2. what should be improved
      1. license
      2. decoupling publishing Vitro release and VIVO release
      3. update of Readme file
  2. Dynamic API
    1. further implementation
    2. promotion
  3. The next week meeting


No objection for moving to the vivo-project organization ( It was done during the meeting by using the GitHub option for transferring repositories - 

We have discussed how to present Dynamic API and its possibilities in the best way to the wider audience. Besides Dynamic API and building REST API on top of that, the community should be aware of some alternatives for building the new UI for VIVO (by using angular or some other frontend framework/library), such as Data distribution API (, scholar discovery (, BrCRIS (, etc. 

The committers’ meetings wouldn’t be organized in the next two weeks due to the vacation period. The next meeting will be organized on August 17th.

Draft notes on Google Drive



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