VIVO Conference Workshop Proposal Deadline is April 1

Thanks to all who submitted workshop proposals! The team leads will review the proposals. We hope to notify the successful applicants later this week.

VIVO Authorship Guidelines

Last year, authorship guidelines for the VIVO project were drafted and posted in Confluence. The guidelines are reposted here for your review. See VIVO Project Authorship -- Suggested Guidelines.

VIVO Stories

One way to help people understand what VIVO is and what VIVO does is by sharing true stories of VIVO changing the way we discover research and connect people. Over the past few days, I’ve heard three such stories.

The director of the Florida Sea Grant program [had heard about social network research and went to VIVO to find people who knew something about it. He found the director of our Survey Research Center, whose research area is social networking analysis. He contacted him based on the information he saw in VIVO. Looks like they will be working together.

I was reviewing the profile of the director of our Cancer Center and saw that he had trained at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. I clicked on the MassGeneral link. The Harvester] had added all awards from Mass General to UF to the Mass General page and all awards from Florida to MassGeneral to the same page. Even I was surprised by the power of this complete data, automatically generated by the ingest of our Division of Sponsored Research data. Everyone we have awarded money to, or received money from has a page with a complete listing of the various awards. See [ This is a new use case for VIVO – find funding and funding history of organizations that have sub awards to or from the VIVO hosting institution.

One of our new faculty hires in Anesthesiology was serving on a CTSI strategic goals committee. In a meeting he asked the group about VIVO – he had updated his profile and was keenly interested in whether it was showing all his awards. It was not. He had recently moved from Johns Hopkins and some of his awards were still at JHU. As they are moved and ingested, his profile will show all his awards. See]. We have followed up to see that his profile is accurate. The story illustrates the interest faculty can have in insuring their information is accurate.

Do you have a VIVO story? Please pass it along. We will share it with the team. VIVO stories will be used in our final report. They can be powerful reminders of the value we are generating for research and scholarship across our institutions.

Ideas for VIVO Notes?

Is there an idea that you would like to see developed in VIVO Notes? Do you have questions or concerns that might best be presented here? Please drop me a note.

Mike Conlon